Certified Jewelry Appraisal

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Our meticulous appraisal procedure, meticulously executed by our skilled gemologists, ensures an in-depth analysis that can take up to 45 minutes. Every facet, every detail is examined, resulting in a comprehensive evaluation that truly reflects the value of your precious piece.

Upon completion, you will receive a printed appraisal report, meticulously detailed with expert commentary. This report not only provides a precise valuation but also offers insights into the unique qualities that define your jewelry's worth.

Enhancing the allure of your cherished article, we offer a comprehensive cleaning and polishing service. Our artisans delicately restore its lustrous beauty, ensuring your jewelry shines as brightly as its appraisal.

Capturing the essence of your jewelry, we employ high-definition photography, immortalizing its intricacies. With over 23 years of experience, our dedicated gemologist brings a wealth of knowledge and insight, assuring you that your jewelry is in the hands of a true expert.

Paul Douglas R. Hargrave, GG, AJP, CIA, AGA, CDG

Certified Insurance Appraiser JCRS

GIA # 0010037775